Have your coding reviewed by a proficient R-PAS coding expert!
Price per hour, pay for one hour and subsequently get billed at 15 minute increments if additional time is needed.
Note: Purchase of this product is restricted to qualified users who have relevant training in test use.The coding review service is for users who wish to submit their coded protocol materials for consultation by one of our selected R-PAS Proficient coding experts. The reviewers will also provide feedback on issues that influence accurate interpretation beyond coding when these issues are present in the review. The service in currently offered in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Italian, and Dutch.
After purchase, a member of the R-PAS Team will contact you by email regarding your specific needs and assign your materials to a coding reviewer. Coding reviews typically take three to five business days to complete.
The coding service is $40 per coding hour. If additional hours are required, you will be invoiced directly through PayPal.