• Manual - Spiral Bound Edition

Manual - Spiral Bound Edition

534-page spiral-bound Administration, Coding, Interpretation, and Technical Manual

SBN-10: 1937450007

ISBN-13: 978-1937450007

Dimensions: 10.8 x 11 x 1.5 inches

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Unit price :
3.970 lb

3-5 manuals: $ 132.49

6-9 manuals: $ 125.99

10+ (contact us directly at info@r-pas.org for additional discounted bulk pricing)

Product Features:

  • Administration and Response Level Coding— describes administration procedures and clarification techniques, as well as how to document and code responses (including step-by-step instructions for using the FQ tables)

  • Protocol Level Scores and Interpretation– provides the terms, symbols, and calculations for protocol-level variables interpreted in the system; normative reference data; and clinical case illustrations

  • Technical– presents statistical information on the psychometric and normative foundations of the assessment

  • Appendices– provides a glossary, a section for CS users transitioning to R-PAS®, information on judges who participated in refining Form Quality classifications, and a detailed guide for using the R-PAS® online scoring program

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