To obtain a teaching account, instructors must document that they are a faculty member teaching an assessment course at an accredited institution or providing students with supervised assessment training at a university-based training clinic. In addition, they must document having the credentials to use R-PAS clinically. For this we follow the general guidelines promulgated by US-based test publishing companies. The simplest option is for instructors to document licensure or certification from a national, state, provincial, or district governing body or agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests. If this is not available, instructors will need to document they have an advanced professional degree that provides appropriate training in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests plus satisfactory completion of coursework in test interpretation and psychometrics and measurement theory. Instructors who would like an examination copy of the manual can contact us for a request form.
This account is designed for university-based training. It provides the full display of all results (i.e., the Counts & Calculations page, the Page 1 and Page 2 Profiles, the EII-3 and Composite Calculations, and the Appendix information), the ability to print or store all pages of results, and the ability to download response level data (e.g., to check coding accuracy for student assignments), but it does not provide the ability to download a data file containing the protocol level scores that would be used in research. A teaching account also provides the instructor with access to a large number of downloadable teaching resources (e.g., over 1,000 PowerPoint slides, a packet of materials to teach the basics of administration, and cases for coding practice). Digital products (protocols for scoring, administration applications, interpretive guides) are available at a 40% training discount.
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